Existing Programs
Existing programs continue to improve on their mission through corresponding student learning outcomes, course requirements, and plans of study. The Three-year Assessment Plan contributes to these ongoing efforts by providing a document to demonstrate evidence of learning to internal and external entities ensuring all the program’s student learning outcomes are assessed within a three year period. This will be due once every three years, with our first cycle being Fall 2023- Spring 2026, and should help programs and departments plan assessment with intentionality.
The University Academic Committee will review and approve this three-year assessment plan in Mid Spring 2023.
Complete the three-year assessment plan and email to Jon McGuire (jon.mcguire@tcu.edu). (Please use the following naming convention: BSBiology_Three-year_Assessment_Plan.)
Three-year Assessment Plan template
3-Year Assessment Plans (3YAP): Please upload 3YAPs HERE
Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Plans (SLOAP): Please upload SLOAPs HERE